Latest Health and Safety Articles, News, Outbreaks and Prosecutions
Friday 12th June 2020 - ISAC (UK) Ltd News |
IOSH Approved Virtual Training Courses by Alex Sammut ISAC (UK) Ltd are excited to announce that we now have the ability to offer the full range of our IOSH Approved training courses in the form of virtual training! This can be achieved through either Zoom or Microsoft Teams to maximise the options of a smooth, successful, training course delivered to your employees with minimal fuss. If you have a workforce that are currently diverse in location and in need of specialist IOSH training in the subjects of Legionella Management, Modern CoSHH or Work Equipment and Machinery Safety (PUWER) then contact us today to see how we can offer our courses. #virtualtraining #zoom #microsoftteams #onlinetraining #IOSHtraining #IOSH |
Monday 8th June 2020 - ISAC (UK) Ltd News |
Don't forget Legionella Management & Controls
by Alex Sammut As more and more businesses prepare to reopen next Monday 15th June 2020, it is important to understand that many of these buildings have been closed for extended periods of time. As such, water stagnation in pipework and worse still in storage tanks may cause a hidden risk to many businesses as they resume service. Coupled with the hottest month on record for May, there is a real potential for higher than normal counts of Legionella bacteria to be present in domestic style hot and cold water systems (HCWS) within building and offices and the call by many experts in the industry is to proceed with caution as we initially start to reuse the outlets. If required, an additional risk assessment should be considered for the management of outlets to ensure that stale, stangant water that has been in the system for extended periods of time is safety flushed through minimising potential risks. The requirement for cleaning and disinfection of systems should also be considered. If you are unsure about the risks posed by Legionella bacteria in your water systems or have questions on how to safety proceed then contact us and we will be happy to advise you wherever possible. #Legionella #outlets #legionellacontrol #watermanagement #buildings #facilities #facilitiesmanagement |
Thursday 14th March 2019 - ISAC (UK) Ltd News |
ISAC (UK) Ltd advertising in the Derby Business - Agenda Magazine by Alex Sammut ISAC (UK) Ltd have taken a full page advertisement in the Spring 2019 edition of the Agenda for Business Magazine in Derby. With a circulation of 4000 copies directly distributed within the local business community, ISAC (UK) Ltd look to increase the local awareness of their services. #CoSHH #Legionella #WorkEquipment #PUWER #IOSHAccreditedTraining #IOSH #Training Courses |
Monday 18th Feb 2019 - Modern CoSHH Management News |
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirms exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung and possibly kidney cancer.
by Alex Sammut Recent research carried out by IARC has confirmed that welding fume should be classified as a human carcinogen, prompting the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK to issue a safety alert to industry - STSU1 - 2019 and has called for tighter controls to protect employees. Want to learn more on how to control carcinogens in the workplace or how to implement a Modern CoSHH Management programme? Why not reserve a place on our one of our IOSH Approved Modern CoSHH Management Training Courses today - Click Here or for alternative dates why not reserve a place on one of our courses being run directly through IOSH themselves - Click Here #CoSHH #welding #weldingfume #carcinogens #safetyalert #riskassessment #safety #healthandsafetytraining #manufacturing #HSE #IOSH |
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Thurs 14th Feb 2019 - Work Equipment and Machinery Safety News |
Two Prosecutions for 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd by Alex Sammut 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd were recently prosecuted for two Work Equipment and Machinery based accidents that happened in quick succession back in March and August 2016. Both led to digits on the employees being severed. The Work Equipment accident in March 16 involved an employee's thumb being severed after it became trapped in a moving shackle of a machine and the employee being pulled along until his thumb moved past a fixed gate. Whereas the second Work Equipment accident occurred when a cleaner entered into an area where machinery should have been isolated, leading to his finger also becoming trapped on a shackle line too. Both were unable to reach the emergency stops on the equipment. In relation to the first Work Equipment accident 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd of Grange Road, Flixton, Bungay pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 11(1) of the Provision and Use of Works Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) and was fined £200,000 plus £4,031.83 costs. For the second accident, 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and was fined £74,000 plus £4,386.52 costs. Afterwards, HSE inspector Saffron Turnell said, “These incidents could so easily have been avoided had appropriate controls been in place. “Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take enforcement action against those that fall below the required standards.” Want to avoid these types of accidents at your work place? Why not reserve a place on our one of our IOSH Approved Work Equipment and Machinery Safety Training Courses today - Click Here #machinerysafety #safesystemsofwork #PUWER #HSE #prosecutions #riskassessment #safety #healthandsafetytraining #manufacturing #machinery |
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Mon 11th Feb 2019 - Legionella Management News |
HSE to visit 3rd Party Water Contractors this Quarter. by Alex Sammut Are you a 3rd party contractor providing services within the water industry for Legionella Bacteria? Just a reminder that this quarter sees a purpose driven approach by the HSE to carry out an inspection campaign within the industry. As you can see, it is particularly aimed at contractors that provide water treatment, risk assessments and cleaning services as they attempt to lower the likelihood of high-consequence risks from exposure to the bacteria. Maybe you are one of the companies that have had a visit or maybe you are not prepared for a visit. Either way, reserve a place on our one of our IOSH Approved Legionella Management for Responsible Persons Training Courses today - or for alternative dates why not reserve a place on one of our courses being run directly through IOSH themselves - Click Here #inspection #waterindustry #watertreatment #contractors #legionella #riskassessment #safety #healthandsafetytraining #hsg274 #L8 #legionellatraining |
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Weds 6th Feb 2019 - Legionella Management News |
Why do I need an Independent Legionella Audit? by Alex Sammut Many people often ask us 'Why do I need an Independent Legionella Audit?' Well, consider for a moment that you have been newly nominated the "Responsible Person' for your business with respect to Legionella Management.
But how do you know that all of this would stand up to an investigation and the scrutiny of an external stakeholder inspection? The Purpose... How the audit unfolds... If the client has not set a specific scope for the audit then the auditor will most likely take a systematic approach through the entire subject area. This will involve, for example:
Once these and a number of other activities have been reviewed, the role of the Legionella auditor will then be to start identifying any potential gaps that may exist in the client's existing programme so that they can be informed and the client can start the process of rectifying them. (Don't worry this is not the independent auditor scouting for additional work! In fact, this is actually a requirement laid out within the Approved Code of Practice, ACoP, itself for any consultant or water contractor within the industry) Depending on what the independent Legionella auditor finds they may then wish to ask further questions and / or review further documentation before finally having enough notes in order to be able to give the Responsible Person a comprehensive report of their findings in due course. What an Independent Legionella audit is.....
Most importantly though it is an opportunity to uncover any potential issues before they materialise into any form of ill health and lastly to confirm that you are actually doing a good job in the first place! What an Independent Legionella Audit is NOT...
For more information... |
Mon 4th Feb 2019 - Modern CoSHH Management News |
World Cancer Day! Today is World Cancer Day! Every year thousands of people die needlessly from Occupational (Work-related) Cancer after being exposed to Carcinogens in the work place. Our IOSH Approved Modern CoSHH Management Two Day Course offers employees and employers alike an indepth knowledge into some of the most serious chemicals, products, applications and procedures that exist in the everyday working environment. Not only this but our CoSHH course looks at how a Modern CoSHH Management programme should look in the workplace, ranging from simple risk assessments for the low risk applications all the way through to a comprehensive control and monitoring programme for the most significant risk products that you may have or use on a daily basis. The course covers the history of CoSHH Management within the UK, looking at the history behind the CHIP regulations leading to the current day CLP and REACH regulations that are currently driving the control of CMRs (Carcinogens, Mutagens and Repotoxins). As well as this course also focuses on the other following aspects:
For more information and available course dates click on the course outline here - In addition, we run bespoke in-house versions of this course. To enquiry running your own in-house bespoke Modern CoSHH Management course please complete our enquiry form - |
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